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How Custom Software Aids Africa’s Transport & Logistics Industry

Software Development September 22, 2023

The African logistics and transport industry is growing rapidly, with a projected CAGR of 6% from 2022 to 2028. This growth is being driven by a number of factors, including increasing urbanization, rising disposable incomes, and the growth of e-commerce.

No wonder, the importance of Custom software is increasing in the African logistics and transport industry for a number of reasons. First, it can help businesses to automate their operations and improve efficiency.

Second, it can provide businesses with real-time data and insights, which can help them to make better decisions.

However, it faces a unique set of challenges, including inadequate infrastructure, poor connectivity, and regulatory hurdles.

In this blog post, we’ll explore how custom software solutions are transforming the transport and logistics sector in Africa, addressing these challenges, and driving efficiency and growth.

Before that, let’s go through some important stats related to the African logistics and transport industry and the rise of customer software in the market.

African Logistics and Transport Industry Stats

  • The African logistics and transport industry is worth $220 billion and employs over 10 million people. (Source: African Development Bank)
  • In comparison to the global average of 10%–12%, the cost of logistics in Africa is estimated to be 25%–30% of GDP. (World Bank)

Some stats related to increasing demand of custom software in African’s software industry.

The use of custom software in the African logistics industry is still in its early stages, but it is growing rapidly. This is due to the fact that custom software can help logistics companies improve their efficiency, reduce their costs, and provide better customer service.

  • A survey by Frost & Sullivan found that 60% of transport and logistics companies in Africa are using or planning to use custom software in the next two years.
  • According to a McKinsey study, 40% of African logistics and transportation companies use customized software.

Let Us Understand The Challenges Faced By African Logistics And Transport Industry.

The African logistics and transport industry faces a number of challenges, including:

Inadequate Infrastructure

One of the most pressing issues is the below-average state of infrastructure in many regions. Roads, railways, ports, and airports are often outdated and poorly maintained.

This deficiency results in prolonged transit times, elevated transportation expenses, and increased wear and tear on vehicles. Furthermore, it hinders the industry’s capacity to efficiently transport goods to and from remote areas.

Limited Visibility

A lack of transparency and visibility within the supply chain is another significant challenge. This problem is amplified by the absence of real-time tracking and monitoring systems.

Without sufficient visibility, logistics companies struggle to optimize routes, predict delays, and address issues promptly, leading to inefficient operations and reduced customer satisfaction.

Increased Operational Costs

High operational costs are a widespread issue in the African logistics and transport sector. Fuel prices, maintenance expenditures, and toll fees can be excessively high.

Additionally, substandard road conditions and infrastructure deficiencies compel logistics firms to allocate substantial resources to vehicle maintenance and repairs, further inflating expenses.

These formidable operational costs can make it difficult for logistics companies to remain competitive and offer cost-effective services.

Shortage of Skilled Workforce

A shortage of skilled workers is yet another difficulty confronting the industry. Many African nations struggle to provide comprehensive training and educational programs for drivers, warehouse staff, and other logistics professionals.

This leads to a dearth of qualified personnel capable of efficiently managing and operating transportation and logistics systems. The scarcity of skilled workers can result in errors, accidents, and delays.

Security Challenges

Persistent security concerns represent an ongoing issue in the African logistics and transport arena. Incidents such as theft, vandalism, and hijacking are not uncommon, particularly in areas with unstable political climates or high crime rates.

These security problems not only endanger cargo and personnel but also lead to increased insurance costs. Companies often find it necessary to make substantial investments in security measures to safeguard their assets and ensure the secure transportation of goods.

The challenges facing the African logistics and transport industry have a significant impact on the continent’s economy. They make it difficult for businesses to trade and invest, and they can also lead to higher prices for consumers.

Here’s how developing custom software for the transport and logistics industry can benefit to curb these challenges in Africa-

How Custom Software Aids Africa’s Transport & Logistics Industry

Infrastructure Management

Route Optimization: Custom software in the transport and logistics industry can incorporate real-time traffic and road condition data to help logistics companies optimize their delivery routes. This can reduce transit times and minimize wear and tear on vehicles.

Asset Tracking: Implementing GPS tracking in supply chain and monitoring systems can improve visibility into the location and condition of vehicles, containers, and cargo, aiding in better infrastructure management.

Supply Chain Visibility

Real-time Tracking: Custom software can provide real-time tracking of shipments, allowing logistics companies in Africa to monitor their progress and anticipate delays or disruptions. This improves supply chain visibility and enables proactive problem-solving.

Data Analytics: Software can analyze historical data to identify trends, bottlenecks, and inefficiencies in the supply chain, helping companies make informed decisions and streamline operations.

Cost Management

Expense Tracking: Custom software can assist in tracking and managing operational costs, including fuel consumption, maintenance, and toll fees. This enables more precise budgeting and cost control.

Predictive Maintenance: By analyzing vehicle data, custom software in logistics can predict when maintenance is needed, reducing unexpected breakdowns and repair costs.

Workforce Development

Training and Certification: Custom software can include e-learning modules and certification tracking to support the training and development of logistics professionals. This can help mitigate the shortage of skilled workers.

Task Automation: Software can automate routine tasks, such as scheduling and documentation, reducing the workload on logistics staff and minimizing errors.

Security Enhancement

Security Integration: Developing custom software in the logistics and transport industries can integrate with security systems, such as surveillance cameras and alarm systems, to enhance the security of warehouses, yards, and transportation routes.

Geo-fencing: Implementing geofencing technology can alert logistics companies to unauthorized access or deviations from planned routes, enhancing cargo security.

Communication and Collaboration

Information Sharing: Custom software can facilitate communication and data sharing among stakeholders in the supply chain, including shippers, carriers, and receivers. This reduces information gaps and improves coordination.

Mobile Apps: Mobile applications can enable drivers and field personnel to access critical information, receive updates, and report issues in real-time, improving responsiveness and collaboration.

Key Trends That Will Shape The Future Of African Logistics Market

Several interconnected trends are shaping the future of logistics in African markets, profoundly affecting how goods are transported and delivered across the continent:

Closing the Urban-Rural Divide

Africa’s development depends on narrowing the economic divide between urban and rural areas. Rural communities frequently have limited access to necessary goods and services due to poor infrastructure and transportation options.

To link these isolated regions with regional supply chains, logistics companies are actively developing new solutions. For instance, there is growing interest in using drones to transport necessities like medicine to isolated areas.

Digitization of Logistics

The African logistics sector is undergoing a significant transformation through digitization. Digital platforms are playing a pivotal role in efficiently matching supply with demand, streamlining delivery processes, and minimizing operational inefficiencies.

These digital advancements are enhancing service levels and simultaneously reducing operational costs for logistics companies.

The Rise of B2B Logistics

Several factors, including constrained consumer purchasing power and challenges in last-mile delivery, are propelling the growth of Business-to-Business (B2B) logistics.

Startups specializing in B2B logistics are concentrating on providing efficient and dependable transportation solutions tailored to businesses of all sizes. This focus on B2B logistics is aiding businesses in cutting their logistics expenses and enhancing visibility within their supply chains.

Custom Logistics and Transportation Software Development Trends In Africa

The African logistics market is experiencing rapid growth, and the field of software development is a driving force behind this expansion. Several noteworthy software development trends are emerging in the African logistics sector:

Cloud-Based Logistics Software

Cloud-based logistics software is gaining significant traction in Africa due to its numerous advantages over traditional on-premises solutions. These cloud-based systems offer scalability, affordability, and user-friendliness, making them an attractive choice for logistics companies.

Mobile Logistics Software

Mobile logistics software is on the rise in Africa, enabling businesses to manage their logistics operations while on the move. This versatile software serves various purposes, including real-time shipment tracking, inventory management, and efficient driver dispatch.

AI and ML-powered logistics Software

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are driving the development of innovative logistics software solutions. These technologies enhance efficiency and productivity for businesses. For instance, AI and ML enable the creation of predictive analytics tools that assist companies in demand forecasting and optimizing their supply chains.

Blockchain-Based Logistics Software

Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize the logistics industry. Blockchain-based logistics software is designed to establish a secure and transparent record of all supply chain transactions. This innovative approach can mitigate fraud and enhance overall operational efficiency.

These trends represent just a glimpse of the evolving software landscape in the African logistics market. With the market’s continued growth, we can anticipate the emergence of even more cutting-edge software solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of logistics businesses in Africa.


In summary, the African logistics and transport industry is experiencing significant growth, driven by factors like urbanization and e-commerce. Custom software solutions are vital in overcoming challenges such as inadequate infrastructure and high operational costs.

These solutions improve infrastructure management, supply chain visibility, cost control, workforce development, security, and communication. Emerging trends like closing the urban-rural divide, digitization, and B2B logistics are shaping the industry’s future. Cloud-based software, mobile apps, AI, ML, and blockchain-based logistics software are gaining prominence.

As Africa’s logistics market continues to expand, custom software remains a key driver of efficiency, transparency, and economic development in the region.

At Zealous we have extensive experience in logistics software development services that are tailored to your specific needs. Partner with us, and let’s unlock the untapped potential in Africa’s transport and logistics industry together.

Shape the future of logistics in Africa. Develop Custom Software Now

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    Pranjal Mehta

    Pranjal Mehta is the Managing Director of Zealous System, a leading software solutions provider. Having 10+ years of experience and clientele across the globe, he is always curious to stay ahead in the market by inculcating latest technologies and trends in Zealous.


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