Exciting news! Our very own Managing Director, Pranjal Mehta, recently had his interview featured in Valiant CEO Magazine, a prestigious global business publication based in Dallas, Texas. Valiant CEO is renowned for its coverage of technology, global digital media, and brand-building, with a primary focus on actionable knowledge in business and entrepreneurship.
During the interview, Pranjal Mehta discussed a crucial but often underestimated aspect of running a successful company. He emphasized the significance of assembling the right team and ensuring they maintain a healthy work-life balance. Drawing from his personal and professional experiences, our CEO shared valuable insights on this topic.
Discover the wisdom Pranjal Mehta imparted in his interview, which sheds light on the essential elements for building and nurturing a thriving company.
Pranjal Mehta: Were you satisfied with the last IT service that you took? Chances are they might not be good. Well, that’s not the biggest complaint at Zealous System.
This is because we not only fix the problems with the top-notch & industry proven IT solutions but also discover new possibilities to disrupt the market.
As a team, we can serve a wider audience with a mix of expert brains and deeper understanding. Zealous came to my mind when I addressed the elephant in the room, i.e. mundane services and failed deliveries.
We have built Zealous with a resistance and belief in serving clients, timely-deliveries and staying ahead of the competition too. We are certified as “A great place to work” besides being a Microsoft Gold Partner.
Well, we ran out of time to discuss more but would love to continue this conversation in a meeting room.
Pranjal Mehta: In my opinion, a lot of factors play their game to keep the employees happy, which includes a good sense of work-satisfaction, work-life balance, and a positive work culture. They get motivated when they’re appreciated and valued enough for their work.
Keeping the work culture utmost positive and relaxed with a good 5 day policy helps me in adapting to the new paradigm shift. Giving them a good time to manage their work-life balance along with celebrating little wins with everyone gives them a sense of belongingness.
Pranjal Mehta: Online is the new offline and it is on boom!
From remote working to online consultations and that has made us realize that we can operate with the least infrastructure. It is expected that online businesses will continue to grow in popularity and importance, in the year to come.
Virtual meetings and Zoom medical consultations are also expected to become more prevalent. Taking that into consideration, tidal waves were and will always be a part of business escapades. With the correct team and appropriate mindframe, the drive to capitalize the wave comes along.
Pranjal Mehta: Books have always been one of my greatest passions but unfortunately I haven’t written any. If there’s a book written by me, it would revolve around the theme of teamwork and how important it is to have a great team.
Readers can have a thorough understanding that if you have a dedicated and brilliant team, rest can be a history. It would also include the importance of building a correct environment for the new-age startup geeks.
Pranjal Mehta: Oh, the list is quite long but let me state a few. The fact that you do need a good capital to keep the business afloat is itself underrated. Apart from that, the significance of a good team of experts, letting people know that you exist, and so on.
But, the gem of all is the importance of a good team. As stated earlier, people focus on cracking a project/client but it takes a few to actually deliver them the promised possession. This is where a good bunch plays their role.
At Zealous, rather than completely focusing on getting the client, we also focus on building a suitable team for the projects.
Pranjal Mehta: Well, I’d be picking up sensitivity as a power. Sensitivity to what others are saying, feeling and thinking as well. Sometimes, people are left unheard and neglected. Such emotional intelligence is such a well-versed skill in the workplace, understanding everyone thoroughly.
In conclusion, the featured interview with our CEO, Pranjal Mehta, in Valiant Magazine showcases the vision and expertise behind Zealous System, our leading digital transformation company. With a strong focus on technology and global digital media, Zealous System is poised to revolutionize the business landscape.
Pranjal Mehta’s insights shed light on the underestimated aspects of running a successful company, emphasizing the importance of assembling the right team and promoting work-life balance. These values are deeply ingrained in Zealous System’s culture, empowering us to deliver exceptional solutions and services such as a custom software development, web app development, mobile app development, digital product development, ERP solutions, enterprise to our clients.
If you are looking for a long-term digital transformation partner to unlock your business’s full potential, then Zealous always has your back.
Our team is always eager to know what you are looking for. Drop them a Hi!